The Blue Dahlia is the story of a returning war hero, Johnny Morrison, who is greeted upon his return with the news that she's leaving him for another man, and that their son who died while he was away, was killed in a drunk driving accident and not from diphtheria which she'd let on her letters. Not exactly the home-coming any GI would want. It gets worse, after the understandable fight that ensues after hearing these two whoopers back to back, the fellow storms out, meets a beautiful, enchanting woman Joyce Harwood, (Veronica Lake) and spends the night with her (in separate bedrooms of course, this was 1946 people) in a hotel. Ladd learns that his wife has been murdered while he is checking out of the hotel. He nonchalantly goes about his business as the news of her death is played on the radio. He realizes that he is the chief suspect and his actions (fleeing the apartment in a rage, meeting a beautiful woman who is heavily connected to the case and leaving town with her) look mighty incriminating. It turns out Joyce Harwood is married to Eddie Harwood, the slimy owner of the club, the Blue Dahlia, and the man for whom Johnny's wife is leaving him. All these facts play across the couple's face plus a hundred emotions at once. If ever there were a single scene that sumed up power of showing versus telling in a movie, it's that one.
This is a masterfully told detective story. Director, George Marshall (Destry Rides Again), gives you just enough detail to keep you following along, but not so much that the solution is ever obvious. There are several skillfully placed red herrings that will trip up even the most die-hard detective story nut. The supporting cast is superb, especially William Bendix as Ladd's war buddy. But the real joy of watching The Blue Dahlia is watching Veronica Lake. The movie never drags when she's off-screen, but when she's on screen it comes to life. The quality of a film noir is directly bound up with the quality of its femme fatale. A good one will make the movie. A bad one (and I mean in acting ability and appeal, not morally bad) will ruin everything. See my review of The Lady in the Lake for further proof if required. Lake and Ladd have incandescent chemistry together. I hadn't realized it before watching one of their films, but they really are one of the great screen pairings. This was their third noir film together and you can see the benefit of the earlier two films in their first scenes in the car. There is a perfection of timing that actors who work well together have after two or three pictures that's always a joy to watch. Sometimes the later outings, though not as original as those that made them famous, can actually be more enjoyable for fans because of this perfection. Of course I haven't seen the Glass Key or This Gun for Hire yet.
The Blue Dahlia does suffer from one of my most frequent complaints about noir and that is the irrational behavior of its characters. Ladd's wife is a horrible spiteful person, and we come to understand why she would act that way out of guilt over her son's death. What is truly puzzling is why her lover would cheat on Veronica Lake with her. Even more baffling is that he almost leaves her over the affair. And then of course, one wonders what Veronica Lake is doing with sleazy Eddie in the first place.
I love this movie to pieces, I'm so glad they're finally showing it on tv again (I saw it about six years ago and then that was it until just recently)
Did you know the original story has William Bendix's character as the murderer? I'm actually glad they changed it, I don't think it would have felt right since his character is actually really nice.
Glad this film fixed your noir problem :)
Oh this is a great one! And I agree, the Ladd/Lake pairing is one of the best.
I don't know if you like Robert Mitchum, but you should check out Out of the Past. It's one of my favorite noirs. Such a great film with wonderful dialogue.
Whenever I ponder the motives of Veronica Lake's characters, I get reminded that she was schizophrenic in real life and then I find myself thinking that the characters are too and everything seems more rational (except making "Flesh Feast").
I also like looking at the blocking in Ladd/Lake films, as they were both very short.
Kate: I hadn't realized that Bendix was supposed to be the murderer. That makes sense, I'm glad they changed it, too. It makes such an effective red herring. Love your avatar!
Kitten: I will watch out for Out of the Past, though I'm not a Pug fan.
Steve: I hadn't realized Lake was actually schizophrenic. That is very sad. She was a great talent. I always imagine that the blocking in their films was a collection of orange crates moved around the set!
Oh, yes, I love this film! It's fantastic. I bought it on DVD without ever seeing it so I was certainly glad I enjoyed it. Actually, I bought it round the same time that I got 'This Gun for Hire' (also with Lake and Ladd) and 'The Big Clock' (which stars Ray Milland, if you haven't seen it), both of which are also great.
-Andi x
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